Neck Pain & Chiropractic Care


Neck pain is a prevalent issue that can significantly impact your daily life. Whether caused by ergonomic factors, muscle strain, injury, or underlying medical conditions, effective relief can be difficult to obtain. At Restorative Wellness Center, we offer a non-invasive and personalized approach to treating neck pain, focusing on the body's natural ability to heal. In this blog post, we will explore the causes of neck pain, the unique approach of Restorative Wellness Center, and what potential patients can expect from our comprehensive, holistic care.

Causes of Neck Pain

  1. Ergonomics: prolonged periods of sitting or hunching can lead to tight muscles causing neck pain.

  2. Muscle Strain: overexertion or repetitive motions can strain neck muscles, causing discomfort and stiffness.

  3. Injury: accidents, such as whiplash from a car crash or a fall, can result in sprains or strains of the soft tissues of the neck, leading to acute neck pain.

  4. Nerve Compression or irritation: conditions such as cervical radiculopathy or a pinched nerve can cause pain that radiates into the neck. This may result from herniated discs or bone spurs.

  5. Stress: emotional stress can manifest physically, leading to tension and pain in the neck and shoulders.

  6. Sleeping Position: sleeping in an awkward or unsupportive position can cause neck pain. Using improper pillows or sleeping on a mattress that doesn't provide adequate support may contribute to discomfort.

  7. Infections: infections impacting the throat or neck lymph nodes can lead to neck pain.

Care for Neck Pain at RWC

  • Spinal Adjustments: joint manipulation, when clinically indicated, is a great tool in the treatment of neck pain. Adjustments are used to restore motion in a joint that is not moving efficiently due to injury, poor stabilization, or sustained posture. 

  • Soft Tissue Manipulation: active release to hypertonic (tight) muscles of the neck to increase range of motion and decrease pain.

  • Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): LLLT, or cold laser therapy, is a non-invasive  treatment that uses low-level lasers to stimulate cell function. LLLT can decrease muscle tension, increase circulation, and has been found to have anti-inflammatory and pain modulating effects. 

  • Lifestyle Recommendations: patients will always receive “homework” or specific exercises to increase range of motion and strength. This will be focused specifically to YOU. Our main focus is to empower you with the tools appropriate to live a pain-free life.

What to Expect During Chiropractic Treatment

  • Evaluation: we will conduct a thorough examination, including medical history and physical assessments, to identify the root cause of neck pain. We will also rule out any “red flags” or contraindications that would indicate referrals, imaging, or additional testing.  

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: based on the evaluation, we create individualized treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs. Not two patients are alike and we pride ourselves in tailoring treatment that will best serve YOU.

  • Collaborative Approach: because of the nature of RWC, our providers are in constant collaboration with each other, leveraging each other’s expertise to best serve our patients.

Bonus: Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Neck Pain?

While Chiropractic care is often only thought of as spinal adjusting, there are many effective treatments for neck pain. Individuals with certain pre-existing conditions, such as vascular disorders, may be at a higher risk for complications following cervical spine manipulation. It's crucial to disclose any relevant medical information with the provider. In the absence of red flags or contraindications, spinal adjusting to the cervical spine can be a great tool to combat pain and increase range of motion.