

What is Styku?

Styku is a 3D body scanner that utilizes advanced technology to accurately and reliably calculate body composition and measurements. This non invasive device uses IR sensors to generate a 3D image of the individual and it calculates these measurements within ⅛” of margin of error. That is FAR more accurate than any other device or measurement tool out there. Do you want to know your body fat percentage? How about how many pounds of lean mass you have? Do you know how many pounds of visceral fat or bone you have? Are you curious if your new exercise routine allowed you to lose fat mass and generate more muscle along with reducing the size of your upper thigh? We can now objectively quantify these sorts of changes and see how effective your diet, lifestyle, or exercise changes may be for you. The other methods for calculating these sorts of metrics were either incredibly inaccurate or quite invasive. This scan takes less than a minute and generates a tremendous amount of data that can be used to assess for other health risks.