Post Birth Control Syndrome


What is Post Birth Control Syndrome?

As we discussed the numerous concerns surrounding taking oral contraceptives and other hormonal birth control methods, we want to shed light on the impacts on the body after going off the pill. This is oftentimes referred to as Post Birth Control Syndrome. As a result of going off of these medications, the body usually goes through a withdrawal period as it has become used to exogenous hormones . Additionally, as discussed previously, the normal physiology of the body was likely disrupted as a result of these medications.

For many women, this period of time after going off of birth control can bring numerous symptoms ranging from mood changes, digestive disturbances, and increased menstrual symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms that drove a woman to go on oral contraceptives in the first place came back or new symptoms arise from the time spent on hormonal contraceptives. Oftentimes, these women are told to go back on the pill, patch, ring, or get an IUD to resolve these symptoms. The reality is, looking at the woman’s body from a functional perspective to resolve these symptoms can be life-changing.

Symptoms of Post Birth Control Syndrome

Every cell within the human body has hormone receptor on this. When taking exogenous hormones in the form of birth control, the natural physiology of the body can potentially become disrupted at the cellular level. This can lead to symptoms including:

  • Acne & cystic acne

  • Adrenal problems

  • Anxiety

  • Amenorrhea(loss of a menstrual cycle)

  • Blood sugar dysregulation

  • Brain fog and cognitive concerns

  • Depression

  • Digestive upset, gas, or bloating

  • Fatigue

  • Gut dysbiosis

  • Heavy, painful periods

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Hair loss

  • Headaches

  • Immune imbalances

  • Migraines

  • Leaky gut

  • Lack of libido/sex drive

  • Rosacea and other skin concerns

  • Systemic inflammation

A Functional Approach to Post Birth Control Syndrome

Using a functional and integrative approach to hormones looks deeper at an individual’s biochemistry to understand the root cause of symptoms. There are various diet and lifestyle factors that will help resolve unwanted hormonal concerns.


Oral contraceptives can leave women nutrient depleted with gut symptoms and blood sugar dysregulation. Making dietary decisions to restore nutrient deficiencies and balance blood sugar are important pieces of healing. We also know that oral contraceptives can contribute to overall inflammation, so eliminating inflammatory foods is key. Dr. Ashley’s book, Restorative Kitchen lays out an elimination diet designed to remove potentially problematic foods in order to decrease inflammation in the body, rebalance the gut flora, soothe the gut lining, regulate blood sugar, modulate the immune system, resolve nutrient deficiencies, and bring overall healing to the body. Additionally, some individuals may benefit from food sensitivity testing to discern how their body responds to various foods.

Hormone Function

Whether the pill has left you with unwanted symptoms or you have hormone related symptoms that you would like to delve deeper into, assessing hormone function is important. Perhaps hormone dysregulation prompted you to pursue birth control in the first place. No matter their age, women can benefit from looking at hormones from a functional perspective to understand what could be driving symptoms. Various nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle factors can be utilized to bring hormones back into balance. This can be life-changing for women!


Oftentimes the liver becomes over taxed with oral contraceptives. Additionally, methylation, a process involved in detoxification, can become impaired as a result of these medications. Since the liver plays a significant role in hormone regulation, it is crucial to get it functioning properly again. Supporting the liver and specifically detoxifying can help bring hormones back into balance and undo liver stress from medications.

Gut Integrity

Oral contraceptives can lead to a leaky gut. Even without being on oral contraceptives women in our culture today can find themselves with a permeable gut barrier. Leaky gut can be a significant factor in many chronic illnesses and autoimmune conditions, so restoring the gut barrier is a crucial piece in restoring optimal health. Additionally, we know that oral contraceptives can contribute to gut dysbiosis, or an imbalance of beneficial and pathogenic organisms in the microbiome. Sometimes using functional lab testing to look at the integrity of the gut barrier as well as the microbiome reveal issues that need to be resolved.

Scrutinize Personal Care Products

Products used during menstruation have contact with the vaginal mucus membranes. In fact, this area is so absorbent that chemicals within feminine care products are systemically carried to the rest of the body via lymph and blood vessels. Chemicals including phthalates, dioxins, synthetic fragrances, mercury and aluminum residues, and glyphosate (AKA Roundup) are found in many feminine care products. Obviously, these are not substances we want on any part of our bodies, especially a mucus membrane responsible for bearing life and pleasure. These chemicals are concerning because some are carcinogenic, they increase the risk of yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis, and are known endocrine disruptors that wreak havoc on hormones. We recommend sourcing organic menstrual products or a menstrual cup.

If you are concerned about your hormone symptoms or suspect you have Post Birth Control Syndrome, please contact our office to work with one of our practitioners!


Beyond the Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighton