Restorative Wellness Center

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The Glymphatic System- Part Two

Our previous blog post outlining the glymphatic system highlighted it’s anatomy, physiology, and even some of the various conditions where treatment may be warranted. Now, if a healthcare practitioner were to impact the glymphatic system, what would be the signs that it’s necessary, and how would they go about performing such therapy? Are there other treatment options that could benefit this system outside of the stereotypical chiropractic care? Let’s look further into this newly discovered system and why/when it’s implicated, and what can be done with your doctors at Restorative Wellness Center.

A Holistic Approach

First and foremost, chiropractic care’s philosophy approaches treatment from a holistic perspective – appreciating the human body as a singular unit that operates and functions by utilizing multiple organ systems together in harmony. If we were to remove one system, the whole would be unable to operate at its optimal state. Dysfunction in one area can cause dysfunction elsewhere. In essence- it is all connected! This is an important concept when it comes to addressing structures such as the glymphatic system, because it is by and large the end point of the healing process of any pathology affecting the central nervous system. 

Addressing the glymphatic system within the chiropractic office ensures that not only are we correcting subluxation patterns within the spine to affect the nervous system, but also ensuring that we are correcting dysfunctional movement (and elimination) of the substances within the central nervous system. Chiropractic adjustments ensure that both the brain and the spinal cord are being treated appropriately and simultaneously in order to derive the largest benefit. For example, Dr. Rich is able to perform specific adjustments to different regions of the spine in order to influence separate areas of the nervous system. Chiropractic adjustments to one side of the body are able to influence different areas of the brain, brainstem, and overall physiological function of our bodies. By initially ensuring that the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral structures of the body are communicating adequately and in coercion, further treatments can then be applied with a greater chance of success. 

Brain Conditions Associated with Glymphatic Impairment

What specific conditions may necessitate treatment directed at the glymphatic system following chiropractic adjustments? Many of the conditions have wide ranging symptoms, so tailoring treatment specific to the glymphatic system may not be one of the first ideas that comes to mind, especially considering how many of the conditions also range in severity and location. From traumatic brain injuries like concussions, neurological degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s, and post-infection disorders like PANS/PANDAs – all have the potential to be positively influenced by addressing proper function. What aspects of these diseases lead the doctors of Restorative to believe that glymphatic may play a role? Let’s take a look. 

Two key findings in Alzheimer’s disease are protein mis-foldings (also referred to as senile plaques) and neurofibrillary tangles. Both are due to a non-homeostatic, inflammatory pathogenic cascade of various neurological systems and pathways. When plaques and neurofibrillary tangles become abundant, healthy neurological tissue becomes the minority and can no longer function at its peak capacity. Over-activation of glial cells, the supporting cells of the nervous system previously discussed in the first glymphatic system blog post, results in a cyclical process of cellular damage, buildup of neurological waste and dysfunctional structures, re-activation of the inflammatory process to attempt the clean up of the previous process, so on and so forth. The difficulty in many of the current treatment options for Alzheimer’s is due to the problem that many pharmacological treatments are unable to pass through the blood brain barrier – the highly complicated structure protecting the brain from external substances. Even if a pharmacological treatment were to pass through, senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles alike are resistant to this type of elimination. 

In Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome/ Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANS/PANDAS), a strep infection or another inflammatory trigger initiates a misdirected immune response that results in inflammation of a child’s brain. This inflammation can impact and damage areas of the brain responsible for the control of body movement, emotion, and sensation. The consequent inflammation and damaged neural tissue prevent the immune system from being able to regulate itself, thus beginning a similar cycle of inflammation, tissue damage, further inflammation, and further tissue damage similar to Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. 

How to Assist Glymphatic Elimination

It’s been hypothesized that elimination of these waste products could be of potential therapeutic benefit in the alleviation of both the symptoms and subsequent damages resulting from these diseases as they progress without intervention. So the question now becomes – what different types of treatments can the doctors of Restorative Wellness Center do in order to activate and assist the glymphatic system to appropriately aid in the resolution in these conditions? 

As many of our readers know, the March newsletter showcased topics including chiropractic and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) such as concussions and whiplash, how low level laser therapy (LLLT) can be utilized to diminish brain inflammation, and how nutrition plays a central role in our brain and nervous system health too. Dr. Rich and Dr. Kevin even filmed a YouTube video explaining the significance of LLLT and how beneficial it can be for many different types of patients, including those who have suffered from recent or previous concussions and TBIs. All of these options (chiropractic care, LLLT, functional medicine, and functional neurology) are all possible treatment options to activate the glymphatic system, and we are able to utilize all of these options in office.

Craniosacral Release Therapy

One particular treatment that has been shown to help with lymphatic drainage of the upper cervical spine –the suboccipital region (where the glymphatic system drains to from the skull) – is known as craniosacral release therapy. The technique is commonly used by chiropractors and involves low force mobilization of the cranial sutures, suboccipital region, cortical ventricular system, and lymphatic pumps of the cranial region to assist the glymphatic system. Application of craniosacral technique has also been shown to have a positive influence on the parasympathetic nervous system – our rest and digest component - resulting in relaxation and down regulation of the sympathetic nervous system – our fight or flight component. This down-regulation of our fight and flight sympathetic system causes decreased secretion of cortisol, our stress hormone. Cortisol, under physiological conditions, is used to dampen an inflammatory response. With chronic diseased states and inflammation patterns, cortisol is overproduced and results in further dysregulation of the nervous system and immune system. By inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system through craniosacral care, the doctors at Restorative Wellness Center can decrease cortisol secretion, enhance central nervous system and immune system function, thus allowing your body to heal beyond what it was previously able to do. 

Cervical Spine Mobilization

On top of ensuring the brain is functioning optimally and removing waste products, what should also be addressed is the structure that supports the brain – the cervical spine! While craniosacral technique uses low-force mobilizations of the suboccipital region and cranial sutures, chiropractic adjustments use other high and low force techniques that have also been shown to be beneficial for conditions arising from TBIs other neurologically based diseases too. Trauma to the brain and CNS can result in decreased proprioceptive capability of the mechanoreceptors, small muscle fibers, and joint capsules of the cervical spine resulting in symptoms such as headaches, confusion, anxiety, lethargy, and vertigo. Chiropractic adjustments and functional neurology based rehab protocols have been shown to relieve joint tension and restriction, while also retraining the brain’s ability to control its own movement and relieve the various symptoms of decreased function.


Low-Level Laser Therapy

While the cervical spine and glymphatic system are being addressed, the use of LLLT is beneficial for further neuro-protective effects. Functional MRI studies have demonstrated increased vascular perfusion of neural tissues in the brain following LLLT application, potentially indicating increased metabolism of targeted areas allowing for further nutrient transportation and waste removal. LLLT is believed to aid in waste removal, protection of healthy neurological tissue, and even tissue regeneration due to its stimulating effect on mitochondrial cells and immune mediators. While the amount of time that LLLT is used depends on both the type and severity of the patient’s condition, the doctors of Restorative Wellness Center have used it successfully on several different neurological conditions.

Functional Medicine

Last but not least, one of the most vital components in restoring balance to the body for any condition, neurologically based or not, is nutrition. Whether it’s through dietary and lifestyle changes or supplementation, ensuring that we are giving our bodies the correct nutrients that it requires to function optimally is vital to the restorative process. Brain health is dependent on adequate levels of various nutrients including magnesium, iron, EPA/DHA, and various others. By utilizing the practices of functional medicine, Dr. Kevin is able to objectively identify the missing links of your current nutrition and lifestyle habits through lab testing, and then recommend different foods, supplements, and potentially even IV nutrition when deemed necessary. 

Overall, we can see that not only is the glymphatic system important to overall functioning and healing of the body and brain, understanding how to treat it is just as vital! The doctors of Restorative Wellness Center take your health and wellness very seriously, and understand that in order to provide the most optimal care requires them all to be ready to treat and perform different therapies to both well known and not well known structures. The glymphatic system, while in its infancy for understanding it in totality, is already showing promising results for therapeutic benefits with several diseases and conditions. When the necessity arises, the doctors at Restorative are ready to help you understand the connection between this system and your condition, and what they can do to help you achieve a greater, more optimal state of health. 

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your situation with one of our doctors, feel free to email or call our wellness center at the address and number provided. More information on chiropractic, functional medicine, and IV nutrition can be found across Restorative’s social media accounts, so be sure to check those out when you have the chance! 

We’re extremely excited to help you in the future and hope to hear from you soon!