Restorative Wellness Center

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Oral Contraceptives and Tracking Fertility

Since the method of birth control a woman choose has the potential to have significant impacts on overall health, we thought we would shed light on some drawbacks to using oral contraceptives along with a birth control method that has no health consequences and empowers women in their reproductive health.

Some Downsides of Oral Contraceptives

We realize we are stepping into sensitive, intimate waters here, but it is important to discuss the potential health implications of oral contraceptives. The reality is, oral contraceptives can greatly hinder health and wellness and should be thoughtfully scrutinized before using. While we are not against birth control, this is a deeply personal topic and it is important to make an informed decision that is right for you.

Nutrient Status

Birth control pills deplete the body of valuable vitamins and minerals that are crucial for optimal wellness. Oral contraceptives have been shown to decreased levels of B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, selenium, and zinc.

The Microbiome

Oral contraceptives disrupt the microbiome by changing the healthy flora and allowing harmful microbes such as yeast, pathogenic bacteria, and parasites to flourish. A healthy gut microbiome is foundational to overall health and wellness. Furthermore, a thriving microbiome is an essential piece for the body’s ability to remove excess estrogen from the body.

Immune Function

The use of oral contraceptives can shift from the immune system from a Th1 to a Th2 dominance. This can initiate a disruption of the immune system, perpetuating autoimmune conditions.

Thyroid Function

Elevated estrogen from oral contraceptives can cause symptoms of low thyroid function by hindering conversion in the liver of inactive thyroid hormone (T4) to the usable form (T3). The estrogen levels in oral contraceptives also increases the activity of Thyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG) which binds to thyroid hormones. Increased levels of TBG can lower levels free thyroid hormone to be utilized by the body.


Oral contraceptives have been shown to increase inflammation within the body. These medications have been shown to increase the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood. Higher levels of CRP are linked with many inflammatory conditions including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Cardiovascular Risk

Women on oral contraceptives are at much high risk of a cardiovascular event including blood clots, heart attack, and stroke due to higher estrogen levels within their body.

Hormone Regulation

Oral contraceptives can decrease libido because the pill can decrease testosterone. Women make small amounts of testosterone which plays an important role in sexual desire. Birth control pills also lower DHEA production. Adequate DHEA levels have anti-aging and immune modulatory effects.

Additionally, it can take time for hormones to balance after going off of the pill. Taking an exogenous hormone for an extended period of time while on birth control pills can be quite challenging for the body to self regulate if you decide it is time to have children.


The pill can increase the risk of various cancers including the breast, cervix, uterus, and liver.

Liver Function

The metabolism of oral contraceptives can over tax the liver and hinder methylation and detoxification.

Lady Comp

Lady Comp is a mini computer that helps women to track their fertility. Using aspects of the Fertility Awareness Method (similar to Natural Family Planning) for pregnancy prevention and achievement. This method does not involve any medications, hormones, or implanted devices, but instead leans on the understanding of the female reproductive cycles to predict days within a cycle that a woman is fertile and not fertile.

Fertilization can occur during the five days leading up to ovulation as well as the day of ovulation. This means that women are generally fertile for 5-6 days during the middle of their cycle.

The female body gives indication of fertility and ovulation and can determined by cervical position, changes in cervical fluids, and the thermal shift in basal temperatures. Right after a woman ovulates, her body temperatures rises by about 0.4-0.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This shift in body temperature can be measured first thing after waking up in the morning using a very sensitive basal thermometer. The waking temperatures, along with the other fertility signs, can be recorded for a women to understand her ovulation and fertile window.

Lady Comp uses a highly-sensitive thermometer to help women track their waking body temperatures throughout the month. The computer keeps track of these morning temperatures and “learns” each women’s individual cycle. This device compiles your individual data and takes much of the work out of recording fertility. Lady Comp alerts you on the days that you are most fertile and likely to conceive. It may go without saying, but if you are using lady comp for pregnancy prevention, these are the days to avoid intercourse or use alternate birth control methods.

If you are interested in using Lady Comp to help you track your periods and fertility, use code LadyCompUS+286 at checkout to receive 25% off this device!

Not sure if Lady Comp or Fertility Awareness Method is right for you? Taking Charge of Your Fertility is an excellent resource to understand natural birth control, pregnancy achievement, and reproductive health.

A Personal Choice

We realize that brith control options are deeply personal. There are also religious, philosophical, and socio-economic, implications involved with various birth control options. As functional and integrative practitioners, we often see women’s health suffer from long term use of oral contraceptives. In fact, this has been named Post Birth Control Syndrome by many holistic clinicians. To learn more about this, Beyond the Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten is an excellent resource. If you find yourself in the position that oral contraceptives are the best option for you, supplementing with probiotics, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins and vitamin C is strongly recommended. Our sole hope in sharing this information is to help educate our patients and readers of the potential health risks involved with the birth control pill and empower couple to make informed decisions for their reproductive health.


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