Restorative Wellness Center

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Brain function and thought patterns are intimately related with neurotransmitters which are chemical messengers that carry signals between neurons, or nerve cells and other cells within the body.  These compounds are responsible for various physical and psychological functions including mood, anxiety, fear, joy, and happiness. Neurotransmitters are also involved with regulating heart rate, sleep, and appetite. 

There are two classifications of neurotransmitters that are named based on their effect on the brain; excitatory and inhibitory. Excitatory neurotransmitters have an excitatory effect on the neurons. They cause the neuron to fire an action potential or an electrical signal up the cell.  Some common excitatory neurotransmitters are epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, acetylcholine, and serotonin. Inhibitory neurotransmitters have an inhibitory effect on neurons, meaning they prevent the action potential from being fired. The most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitter is GABA. 

How are Neurotransmitters Produced in the Body?

Most neurotransmitter production begins with an animo acid from the diet or another chemical that is already present in the brain. Different amino acids are precursors for different neurotransmitters and the receptors they bind to. Enzymes and various nutrients are required to convert these amino acids into the neurotransmitters. B vitamins, vitamin D, minerals, and other compounds play a critical role in brain health to manufacture all neurotransmitters. It is worth mentioning that genetic variants can stop the production of these enzymes needed to make neurotransmitters.

We are going to discuss 7 main neurotransmitters in this post, but keep in mind that there are over 100 compounds that can act as neurotransmitters within the body. 


One of the primary roles of Acetylcholine in the central nervous system is to promote cognition, memory, and arousal. It is also involved in peripheral nervous system function and is used to activate muscles. 

A deficiency with acetylcholine would look like a decrease in visual and verbal memory as well as frequent memory lapses. Individuals needing acetylcholine support might notice a decrease in creativity or comprehension. Difficulty calculating numbers or recognizing objects and faces are also indicative of an acetylcholine issue. 

Adequate dietary intake of healthy fats is important for acetylcholine production. Foods high in choline such as pasture-raised egg yolks, fatty grass-fed and pasture raised meats and dairy, and nuts are helpful for acetylcholine production.


Epinephrine and norepinephrine are in a class of neurotransmitters called catecholamines. Technically dopamine also falls into the catecholamine class, but dopamine will be discussed separately because of its different physiological impacts.  Additionally, take note that epinephrine and norepinephrine are also called adrenaline and noradrenaline.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are involved with the body’s “fight or flight” response. When released into the bloodstream, they increase heart rate, pupil dilation, and shunt blood to muscles. In the brain, they stimulate receptors for mental speed, focus, and concentration. Likewise, a catecholamine deficiency might look like a decrease in mental alertness, speed, concentration, and cognition.

Dietary support for catecholamines could include food high in tyrosine such as cheese, eggs, fish, nuts, seaweed, and turkey. Also, foods high in caffeine such as coffee, tea, and cacao stimulate epinephrine and norepinephrine. This is why caffeine can increase overall brain function. 


Dopamine has various functions in the brain including motor coordination, mood, attention, learning, along with motivation and reward. It is largely associated with the pleasure system of the brain.

Individuals with dopamine imbalances my experience feelings or worthlessness or hopelessness, or self-destructive thoughts. They often have an inability to handle stress and they feel angry while under stress. They sometimes desire isolation or have lack of concern for loved ones.

Protein intake and assimilation along with proper blood sugar are important for dopamine to be made. Other key nutrients for dopamine production are oxygen, iron, and folate. 


Also known as the “happiness neurotransmitter”, serotonin is found in both the central and peripheral nervous systems and is involved with mood, sleep, temperature regulation, and appetite. In fact, roughy 80-90% of the body’s serotonin production occurs in the gut.

Those with serotonin deficiencies often feel a loss of pleasure in their hobbies, interests, relationships, and favorite foods. They might have trouble falling asleep at night. Individuals with serotonin deficiencies sometimes have a strong dependency on others. Oftentimes, they can experience feelings of paranoia, rage, unprovoked anger, or sadness for no reason. Women with serotonin problems oftentimes suffer from PMS.

The body’s ability to create serotonin is a process that demands protein intake and absorption along with vitamins B3, B6, B9, B12, iron, and magnesium. Deficiencies in these nutrients can promote serotonin imbalances. Furthermore, blood sugar imbalances, tryptophan deficiencies, and gut problems can greatly impact serotonin levels. 


Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain.  Those with impaired GABA production usually experience feelings of dread, anxiety, or panic for no reason. They are easily overwhelmed, worry easily, and have a restless mind. Sometimes it is associated with disorganized attention, depression, and insomnia. 

Foods that help with GABA include broccoli, buckwheat, chestnut, kale, oat, pea, potato, rice, shiitake, spinach, St John’s wort, sweet potato, tea, tomato, valerian, wheat, and wild celery. Additionally, compounds that can have a sedative effect on the brain and body include valerian root, ashwagandha, lemon balm, green tea, and lavender. 

Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, & Neurotransmitters

It is also important to know that if you have a leaky gut, you typically have a leaky blood brain barrier. Occludin and zonulin are two proteins that control both the gut barrier and the blood brain barrier. When occludin and zonulin are elevated, it is indicative of a leaky gut and a leaky brain. This means there is likely significant inflammation within the brain and neurotransmitter function can become faulty. If you suspect a problem with neurotransmitter signaling, restoring barrier function within the gut and brain are some of the first aspects that should be addressed. Our clinic can help you navigate this.

It is important to note that proper neurotransmitter production and brain function rely on many important nutrients. It is important to not only consume these valuable nutrients, but also be able to digest and absorb them. If you have digestive distress or suspect a leaky gut, it will be difficult for the body to utilize the nutrition in your food.

Next Steps

If reading this blog initiates a desire to understand your own physiology, we are here to help you! Our motto at the clinic is “test, don’t guess”. Our thorough functional  blood workup offers much insight into gut integrity, blood sugar handling, and nutrient status. Beyond that, we often order other functional lab testing to shed light on neurotransmitter and brain function. Our docs can help to navigate this with you.